Why Chris Christie will not be President

I know I have written about Chris Christie and how much I like the guy in the past. However, I am quite the realist; and I happen to know that the man does not have a prayer. I will explain this after the story quote.


Gov. Chris Christie’s “bizarre behavior’’ in refusing to say he’ll support a possible GOP challenger to Gov. Cuomo next year could derail his chances to become president, state and national GOP insiders have told The Post.

“Christie already has a problem with many Republicans refusing to forgive him because of his embrace of [President] Obama and his socially liberal policies,’’ said a nationally prominent GOP operative. “But this bizarre behavior in suggesting he won’t help a Republican defeat a Democratic governor, and a Cuomo no less, could finish off his chances of becoming his party’s nominee for president in 2016,’’ the operative continued.

via Christie’s ‘bizarre behavior’ could undermine presidential chances | New York Post.

If Chris Christie tries to run for President of the United States in 2016, it will be a fool’s errand. The reasons are many:

  1. The Conservative grassroots sees him as too moderate, even a closeted liberal. In actuality Christie is simply a moderate pragmatist; but that means nothing in politics, especially of the presidential sort. The Republican Party has become a purist party and moderates like him are simply not wanted.
  2. The Republican establishment sees Christie as a loose cannon and as too much of a moderate. While the Republican establishment loathes the “tea party,” they are not fools, they would never risk a high stakes election in 2016 on someone like Christie. The republicans are worried about electability; and Christie does not fit that bill.

It is a pity that politics has become a likeability contest anymore; but thanks to the liberal media and a complacent Republican establishment; which is more interested in protecting its reputation and it’s entrenched special interests —- things like this will most likely never change. It has been said many times, that in this day and age, Ronald Reagan would never make it out of the primary and it is true. The Republican Party let Reagan slip, because of public backlash among the grassroots, which the media captured in the “I’m paying for the microphone!” moment.

However, things now have changed and will never, ever see an economic populist, true midwestern American President again; especially seeing that the protected ethnic minority caucuses on the right. I hope that I would be wrong about this; however, I am one that will readily concede to reality — and this is the reality of American Republican politics.

It is truly a shame; but it is the truth.