Erick Erickson writes a good one

I woke this morning and saw this piece here from Erick Erickson and he is anti-trump, I get that. But, this is much more than that. The part, I really can relate to, is this here:

The last year has reminded me that life is not fair, but God really is in the trenches with us. It reminds me of 2 Samuel 7. David intended to build a temple for God. But God says he does not need one. He was perfectly fine living in a tent, wandering a desert with his people. Our tent dwelling God wants a personal relationship with us. And frankly, after this past year, I crave that relationship more than any relationship with a politician, fan, or friend.


My time here is fleeting. So is yours. There’s no reason to hold on to grievances, no reason to avoid forgiveness, and no reason to devote our time to wasted idols. We are not all going to agree all the time on right and wrong. But life is too short not to show each other grace freely and move on.


This past year, I have recognized something important. The people who have turned politics into their god are the most miserable, malcontented people I know. Not everything is political and when you think it is, you have turned politics into religion. Life is not supposed to be political and death coming to visit me showed me how much more to life there is.

I can relate. When my Dad was on that ventilator and I didn’t know if I would ever see him alive again or now; my outlook changed and this blog, took a backseat, as did politics.

I wish Erick the best.


I wish I could feel sorry….

You reap, what you sow…:

In April I went into the hospital and stayed there a week. Subsequently, I have gone back numerous times. In fact, I have spent more time in the hospital this year than all the rest of my life combined. My lungs were filling with clots and I could barely breath. By the time I got admitted, my blood-oxygen level was below 90%. While I was there, doctors found a tumor in my wife’s right lung. In June, she had it removed and on the day of surgery the doctors found a new growth on her left lung. The one was removed on a Tuesday and the other that Friday. My wife, it turns out, has a very uncommon form of lung cancer that only affects non-smoking women. – Source: If I Die Before You Wake… | The Resurgent

I wish that I could sit here and write that I felt a slight twinge of sympathy for this man. But, if I wrote that, I would be straight up lying. This man allowed on his former blog; which he started and ultimately got a financial bail out from Townhall, because of his inability to run an effective business — his users to smear me, lie about me and defame me on a regular basis. I have no pity for him at all. You allow bad things to happen to other people, bad things happen to you. It is Biblical:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. – (Galatians 6:7-8 KJV)

Right now, this man, is reaping what he sowed.

Others: Outside the beltway

In defense of Erick Erickson

I know, I know, I am not supposed to support the guy; for some pretty darned good reasons. But, when he is right, he is right.

You know, broken clock right once a day and all that. 🙂 😉

In response to Greta Van Susteren‘s freak out over some of Erik’s tweets about Wendy Davis and Abortion, Erik wrote the following:

Greta Van Sustern wishes you to know I’m a creepy jerk. She does not know who I am and thinks no one should listen to me. I appreciate her letting someone she’s never heard of who she thinks should not be listened to live rent free in her head.

But I must sincerely thank her.

Wendy Davis believes it is perfectly acceptable to crack open a child’s skull, inject her cranium with saline, vacuum out her brains, then tear her limb from limb unstitching her from her mother’s womb even though a minute, an hour, a day, a week, or a month later she could survive outside the womb. Wendy Davis has staked her career on the right to chop a child to bits, no matter how viable the child is. The media prefers to ignore that to which Wendy Davis staked her career. They’d prefer to focus on her, as Vogue described her, “Barbie looks” and pink sneakers.

In Greta’s diatribe against me, she only used the word “Abortion” once and that was noting me calling Wendy Davis “Abortion Barbie.”

In fact, I appreciate Greta focusing on my tweets and find it instructive she chose specifically to not make it about Wendy Davis. Wendy Davis is a one issue wonder heralded by the press because she is a high priestess of the secular religion’s sacred sacrament — slaughtering children on the altar of Moloch. That Greta Van Susteren is offended by me, thinks me creepy and a jerk, and thinks I should not be listened to is of no harm or consequence to me.

I applaud her willingness to give greater exposure to my tweets because it causes more people to dig into Wendy Davis. And the more they dig the more they find her only issue is abortion. Single issue candidates whose only issue is abortion do not do well.

Spending all this time and energy making it about me, not only reinforces Wendy Davis’s single issue, but distracts the Democrats from the negative attacks they’ll eventually launch, too late, on her Republican opponent.

I have helped define Wendy Davis by a moniker that sticks, describes, and makes her the butt of jokes, while drawing out the shrill hysterics of her supporters. And there’d be more supporters of hers except for her and her supporters declaring open season on people under 40 weeks of age.

Thank you Greta for putting this issue in the spotlight. I will never win the admiration of affection of the secular set, kid killers, and their supporters — and abortion is killing children. If I was getting praise from them, I’d have to reconsider my priorities. There will always be those who stand with Wendy. But there will be plenty, in the din of campaign rhetoric, who hear “Abortion Barbie” and dig into caricature to find the terribly truth of a one note media created wonder. That someone is offended by me, thinks me creepy, or thinks me a jerk is fine with me as it continues to force them to talk about Wendy Davis, defender of the right to tear children apart.

And if you don’t believe me, I would encourage Greta and others to read the comments to her post.

Thank you Greta very much for writing this post and shedding more light on Wendy Davis by making her campaign about me. I do sincerely appreciate the exposure that it might, even indirectly, expose the Cult of Death’s latest champion.

Put me down as someone who happens to agree with all the above. I might not be a huge fan of Erikson. He can be a bit of a jerk, like me. But, when the man is right, he is right. Abortion is a barbaric practice and should be outlawed — on the STATE LEVEL! The quicker, the better if you ask me.

Others: Riehl World NewsMediaite and The Raw StoryTalking Points Memo and americanthinker.comRiehl World NewsMediaite and The Raw Story

Funny blog quote of the day

This is too good to pass up:

I’ve learned that using my wife’s blush brush to put on my own TV makeup is more than a little problematic from both a marriage stand point and the extra color it adds. I’ve also learned that my make up is more expensive than my wife’s make up, but that’s a whole other story.

Hmmm… I wonder if their dress sizes are the same too? Rolling on the floor

Sorry, I just had to. Tongue

Nobody would have voted for him anyhow

I found this mildly amusing:

Were I to run for the Senate, it would be a terribly nasty campaign. It’d actually be really awesome, but it’d be really nasty. I have a seven year old, a soon to be four year old, and a wife who does not like being anywhere near a stage. I’m not putting my family through that when the best outcome would mean a sizable pay cut and being away from my kids and wife all the time huddled in a pit of vipers often surrounded by too many who viewed me as a useful instrument to their own advancement.

I appreciate all the support. I really do. In the past week I’ve learned who real friends are and are not. It has been eye opening. I had been all along very, very dismissive of running. But given the efforts of several and the financial pledges of support, I figured I should actually take the time to seriously and prayerfully consider it out of respect for those who asked and offered to help.

via Self-Awareness Matters | RedState.

That is slander blogger Erick Erickson cutting and running from a Senate bid. The real translation of the above is this:

Because I am a complete schmuck, and a bit of an self-absorbed a-hole, nobody would vote for me anyhow. So, I am not going to waste my time and anyone else’s money. (Because I really do not have any of my own, which is why Eagle Publishing owns this site.) So, I will just continue being this overrated schmuck and partisan hack.

End of translation.


Erick Erickson is just angry because he did not get any of the money.

Sorry to say it, but  Erick Erickson sounds like a whiny liberal in this piece here:

If money is the root of all evil, for the Republican Party evil is located on the fifth floor of 66 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, VA 22314.

Strip away the candidate and coalition and it is on the fifth floor of 66 Canal Center Plaza where the seeds of Mitt Romney’s ruin and the RNC’s get out the vote (GOTV) effort collapsed — bled to death by charlatan consultants making millions off the party, its donors, and the grassroots.

66 Canal Center Plaza is also why Jeff Larson, the Chief of Staff of the Republican National Committee, should not be put in charge of the autopsy of the GOP’s defeat. Multiple sources confirm to me that RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has already put Larson in charge of the so called autopsy.

This is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. The fifth floor of 66 Canal Center Plaza reveals a tangled web of incestuous relationships among Republican consultants who have made millions all while the GOP went down the tubes. Here the top party consultants waged war with conservative activists and here they waged war with the Democrats. On both fronts, they raked in millions along the way with a more fractured, minority party in their wake. And they show no signs of recognizing just how much a part of the problem they are.

via The Incestuous Bleeding of the Republican Party | RedState.

Since when is capitalism evil? When you don’t get any of the money, that’s when!  Erick Erickson is a slander blogger, who slandered me and few other people in the past and rather unfairly, I might add. Mr. Erickson is just ticked off, because nobody called him during the 2008 or 2012 election to work on their campaigns. This is why this little slander piece was written.

Also too, Erick Erickson is a blogger, who started RedState in his basement and when he could not afford the huge hosting bill anymore, he called on Eagle Publishing for a bailout, and they rescued his “too big to fail” blogging service. Some Conservative eh? 🙄

End of discussion.

Others: Le·gal In·sur·rec· tionamericanthinker.comTaylor Marsh and The Hinterland Gazette