Huckabee vows to send 'em all home.

Two Words.

Huckabee vows to send all illegal aliens home (via Washington Times)

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee yesterday continued to move to the right on immigration during this year’s presidential campaign, signing a pledge to enforce immigration laws and to make all illegal aliens go home.

The pledge, offered by immigration control advocacy group Numbers USA, commits Mr. Huckabee to oppose a new path to citizenship for current illegal aliens and to cut the number of illegal aliens already in the country through attrition by law enforcement — something Mr. Huckabee said he will achieve through his nine-point immigration plan.

Yeah Right. I don’t buy it. Neither does Michelle Malkin.

Others: FOX Embeds, ImmigrationProf Blog, Cliff Schecter and New York Times and More via Memeorandum