Obama is a Plagiarist

Now this does not surprise me a bit at all…

The Story: Obama Caught Plagiarizing 2006 Speech? (H/T to NYT)


Big Head DC has discovered alarming similarities between a speech made by Sen. Barack Obama on February 16 while campaigning for president in Wisconsin and an October 2006 speech made by Deval Patrick, the current Democratic governor of Massachusetts. The coincidences would seem to indicate that Obama copied several lines and linguistic speech patterns from Patrick’s “Just Words” speech for Obama’s own “Words Matter” speech. Indeed, words do matter. And they matter even more when they are one’s own words.

Interesting. Wasn’t another famous black leader accused of this as well?

Seems the "Magic Negro" doesn’t have a creative bone in his body.

When are people going to wake up and see this guy for what he really is, and that’s a inexperienced, snotty nosed, Negro punk, who’s trying to ride on the shoulders of Martin Luther King Jr. into the White House.

If Conservatives vote for him, it will be the death of this country. Period. I’m not for Hillary at all, and McCain is a fake too. But this is just too much.

Crossposted on my Other Blog

Others: The Moderate Voice, Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Swamp, Lynn Sweet, The Politico, TIME, Taylor Marsh, Weekly Standard, The Trail, Wonkette, Channel ’08, American Spectator, All Politics, Don Surber, MSNBC, Confederate Yankee, Hot Air, Jules Crittenden, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, Big Head DC, Flopping Aces, TownHall Blog, Faithful Progressive, Sister Toldjah and The Ruckus and more via Memeorandum