McCain Aide suspended for promoting Anti-Obama Video

This is interesting…..

The Story: McCain Aide Suspended for promoting Anti-Obama video on Twitter (via

An aide to John McCain was suspended from the campaign today for blasting out an inflammatory video that raises questions about Barack Obama’s patriotism.  

Soren Dayton, who works in McCain’s political department, sent out the YouTube link of "Is Obama Wright?" on twitter at 12:31 today with the tag, "Good video on Obama and Wright."  It has since been taken down.

Twitter is an online device that allows users to send out short messages and links en masse through computers or PDAs.

As this article goes on to say, The Video was produced by none other than Lee Habeeb, a former producer of, none other than one of the worst Conservative talk show hosts, and suspected closet lesbian and One boobed freak, Laura Ingraham.

I mean, I am no fan of Obama, really, but to try and paint him as a Marxist? That is a stretch. A big one, if I do say so myself.

I am glad that McCain is, at least, trying to keep his campaign above the noise and nonsense of the "Michael Savage" crowd in the Conservative Party.

Others on this and believe me, many disagree with me, not surprisingly: Swampland, Althouse, TownHall Blog, The Corner, Hot Air, All Spin Zone, The Caucus, Flopping Aces, Macsmind, The American Mind, Blog P.I., Wake up America, Political Machine, The RBC, Pensito Review, Hullabaloo, The Page, Oliver Willis, Shakesville and Real Clear Politics (via Memeornadum)