Obama, Down with the KKK?

That’s what Snoop Dog says.

Of course, Calvin Broadus isn’t known for his intelligence either.

Obama, however says it ain’t true:

Finally when Obama took the stage the audience cheered and screamed. It was reminiscent of the Nickelback concert I attended, but with a lack of women professing their undying love and virginity. As camera flashes were blinding I stood in the front row and yelled out:

Mr. Obama how do you feel about Snoop Dog accusing you of accepting funding from the KKK?

The people around me looked at me like I just asked him for a mustache ride. I really wasn’t shocked. Apparently not hearing me, I yelled it again as I made eye contact with him. Obviously trying to make it to the podium he merely said:

“It is completely untrue.”

How absurd, accusing a black man for taking support from the KKK.

Hey, Calvin, Stick to your day job man, stay out of politics, you’re making the brothers look silly!

Others: QandO and Outside The Beltway