Did the Pentagon try and shape the war's image?

 Red Meat for the Democrats, but it doesn’t surprise me. Of course, Some are living in denial. Some more than others

The Article: Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand (Via New York Times)

In the summer of 2005, the Bush administration confronted a fresh wave of criticism over Guantánamo Bay. The detention center had just been branded “the gulag of our times” by Amnesty International, there were new allegations of abuse from United Nations human rights experts and calls were mounting for its closure.

I’d head on over and read it, it is a 11 page report on how the Government attempted to shape the image of the war, Gitmo and the whole deal. It is no big surprise to me. See, I know how Neo-Conservatives work, they know no bounds. War is just a means to justify making a profit. Even it means sacrificing some of our own. Now, I won’t sit here and attempt to compare Neo-Conservatives to Nazi’s, that’s going a wee bit overboard. But there are striking similarities. But to say that they’re exactly alike, that’s pushing it. Even I won’t get drawn into such foolishness.

Now, before anyone accuses me of being a Liberal, and just hating conservatives, Let me set you straight, I grew up in Church, I have the Christian morals instilled in me as a child. I know that Homosexuality is immoral, I do not believe in gay rights, at all. I believe abortion, of any sort, is quite frankly, murder.

However, I also know that there is evil within the Conservative Party. The Neo-Conservatives, who are, made of, or at least originally were, made up of ex-Democrats, who brought their warmongering mentality with them. They crossed over, when the Democrat Party began to embrace the civil rights movement. Some of you might remember the Dixiecrat debacle, that was the first wave, the second wave was in 1964, when the civil rights bill was passed.

Many Democrat’s and most real Conservatives, felt that the bill was wrong, in that the civil rights act should have been a State issue and not one of Federal Government. Notably, one of those people was Barry Goldwater, A Conservative, of whom many Liberals hold up today as some sort of a hero. I just don’t understand, why some Liberal talk show hosts, claim to love a party, who in fact, turned on their father’s in 1964, and painted him as mentally unstable. Odd bunch they are.

Another thing that I’d like to point out is that not every person in America, who holds to any sort of Conservative convictions, considers the Republican Party to be on the mark. One only need go to NewsWithViews and WorldNetDaily to see that there are many people out there that just feel that the G.O.P. is not the party of old. Now I realize that those links might generate a giggle among some of you, and yes, there is some propaganda on those sites. I don’t deny that. But there’s a whole bunch of truth on them sites too. On average, the truth to propaganda ratio on those sites is about 10 to 3, really. This is why I read them.

The people that quite frankly disturb me, are the people who blindly accept what the G.O.P. says and does, as pure Gospel, those are the strange folk.

Others on this article: Washington Monthly, Democracy Project, Weekly Standard Blog, Emptywheel, The Garlic, The Gun Toting Liberal™, Blue Girl, Red State, Firedoglake, Feministe, Matthew Yglesias, Economist’s View, Truthdig, SWJ Blog, Macsmind, Blog entry, Corrente, Think Progress