Michelle Malkin strikes a nerve………again

Not good to tick your base off, Michelle! Winking

I hate to say it, but I do agree with her. I think this crap here, is totally wrong.

My feelings about the Roman Catholic Church aside, (I’m Fundamental Baptist)  I think the Church needs to be about the business of the Church and should keep it’s nose out of the affairs of the Government.

Like the Pope speaking at the United Nations, what the hell is up with that? Isn’t there a thing called the Separation of Church and State? Was not that a major and flagrant violation of the 501c3 Statue in this country?

Of course, we all know that the Catholic Church gets a free pass, which is pretty funny considering, we fought like hell to get away from it’s iron first rule, when we fled to this country and away from Great Britain.

Of course, hearing Michelle Malkin use the word, "Elitist" is quite humorous. Is she trying out for Lou Dobbs Position? Hee heeWinkingBig Grin