WaPo does a piece on McCain's temper.

Good grief, John McCain can’t even catch a break on Sunday. (Come to think of it, neither can I! WinkingBig Grin )

Seems that The Washington Post has now put out another article on John McCain’s temper.

The McCain camp says it’s totally dishonest and misrepresents him. 

In the Blogosphere, The left is breaking out the surrender hymnals and the defeatist scrolls and treating this piece as The Gospel According to St. WaPo. That is after offering their hourly prayers for the Obamassiah. You know, St. Magic Negro?

Even the Moderate Voice, which is supposed to be a moderate voice of reason in the Blogosphere, is accepting this article as gospel, maybe they should change their name to Liberal Voice, because any open minded Moderate would want to know the truth, before accepting something as Gospel. 

The response on the right has been as expected, they’re crying "Foul!" and dismissing it as a liberal hit piece on John McCain. Which is to be expected.

My Take on it:

First off, I don’t know John McCain, So, I am not about to sit here and pronounce Judgement on someone, that I do not know. Second of all, I find it very disturbing that the Washington Post, which is a supposed to be a respectable news organization, would take an article like this, based upon half truths and gossip, and print them as fact. I would expect this from say, a DC Gossip Blog, like Wonkette, but from the Washington Post? Come on. They can do better than this. I feel that if the Washington Post wants to trash Senator McCain, trash him on his politics, trash him on his policy positions, but leave the gossip, the innuendo and the downright blatant stupidity to the National Enquirer, and other Magazines. 

Others on this:Hot Air, The Corner, Roger L. Simon, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, The Moderate Voice, The American Conservative, The Carpetbagger Report, DownWithTyranny!, The Caucus, AMERICAblog, Shakesville, Ed Driscoll.com, Jonathan Martin’s Blogs, The Seminal, TownHall Blog, Althouse, Redstate, Pam’s House Blend, The Swamp, Booman Tribune, JammieWearingFool, NewsBusters.org and Macsmind