Peggy Noonan doesn't get it… usual…

From her column:

And I quote:

I am out of step. There is something that is upsetting others whom I care about and whose thoughts are often not unlike my own. And it’s not hitting me the same way.

I won’t quote the rest of it. Go read it for yourselves.

Peggy, all I am going to say this. As a white man of 35 years. I am highly offended at Jeremiah Wright’s comments, I will not insult the Gospel of My Lord Jesus Christ, not the profession or high calling of a Minister of the Gospel, by calling that race baiting fool, a Reverend.  Why? I’ll tell you why

Number one, I, nor any White man living today, put anyone in the black race in chains, Slavery ended in 1865. That is 143 years ago, in case anyone has not bothered to check that fact. I for one, do not appreciate being blamed for something that I, nor any other American White person, living in America today, is responsible for.

Second of all, Rev. Wright has the audacity to to blame the United States of America for creating the AIDS virus to kill off the black race? Has this feckless moron ever looked at the history of the AIDS virus and who it affected the greatest in America? I have, I was a young man, growing up in the 1980’s. You want to know who was affected, mostly the Homosexual community, mainly on the west coast of California.  Do you see Homosexuals coming out swinging, accusing the Government of purposely inventing the AIDS virus to kill off the Homosexual community? No, you haven’t. Because they know better. The only people that would possibly say this, would be the feckless, brain dead followers of Alex Jones, who follow that moron around and eat up every little thing that he says, like it is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Further more, this man’s theology is inherently corrupt, he is, from he has said himself, a believer in the doctrine of Black Liberation Theology. Which is, in itself, a derivative of Liberation Theology, A MARXIST DOCTRINE!  The man is a communist, it is just that simple, and if B. Hussien Obama believes the same thing, then HE is a Communist! 

Now, I will admit, from a Fundamentalist Christian stance, I feel that America has not pleased the Lord Jesus Christ with it’s acceptance and mainstreaming of the Homosexual lifestyle. I believe that with my whole heart, and I say it without apology.

However, for this race baiting, American hating, jack ass, fool to make a comment such as "God Damn America" and to claim that it is in the Bible, because of how America treated black people 143 years ago. That speaks to this man’s understanding of the Bible, much less his mental stability. Not even to mention the timing of this comment, 6 days after the attacks on September 11, 2001, and then to add insult to injury, he tries to say that this happened in retaliation for what America did to end the war with the empire of Japan. Which was started AFTER, the empire of Japan attacked the United States and several other countries, to attempt to cripple us, so we could not interfere with the empire of Japan’s fool hearty attempt to link up with Hitler, to overtake the Eastern Hemisphere for Communism. 

Yes, I have heard the many conspiracy theories behind World War II and Pearl Harbor, and I feel the individuals who make that stuff up, ought not to be allowed near a computer, much less be allowed to drive a damn car.

So, in closing, Mrs. Noonan, I do not know, what it is, that you do not get. But I suggest highly, that you look into it. Because, quite frankly, you are insulting many Americans, both living and dead, who have done more for this wonderful Country, that we call, the United States of America, than you’ll ever do in your entire lifetime.

Other Blogs on this: No More Mister Nice Blog and Wonkette

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