Castro to Obama: "Oh no we can't!"

So much for that idea eh?


Former President Fidel Castro says Sen. Barack Obama’s plan to maintain Washington’s trade embargo against Cuba will cause hunger and suffering on the island.

In a column published Monday by government-run newspapers, Castro said Obama was "the most-advanced candidate in the presidential race," but noted that he has not dared to call for altering U.S. policy toward Cuba.

"Obama’s speech can be translated as a formula for hunger for the country," Castro wrote, referring to Obama’s remarks last week to the influential Cuban American National Foundation in Miami.

Obama said he would maintain the nearly fifty-year-old trade sanctions against Cuba as leverage to push for democratic change on the island. But he also vowed to ease restrictions on Cuban Americans traveling to Cuba and sending money to relatives.

He repeated his willingness to meet with Raul Castro, who in February succeeded his elder brother Fidel to become the nation’s first new leader in 49 years.

Castro said Obama’s proposals for letting well-off Cuban Americans help poorer relatives on the island amounted to "propaganda for consumerism and a way of life that is unsustainable."

He complained that Obama’s description of Cuba as "undemocratic" and "lacking in respect for liberty and human rights" was the same argument previous U.S. administrations "have used to justify their crimes against our homeland."- Via CNN

So much for all that "Hope Change, Change Hope" and new politics and all that other garbage that the Marxist Magic Negro likes to talk about eh?

Looks like ol’ Barry is going to have his work cut out for him and the ‘fierce urgency of now" is going to run smack dab into the "Realities of Today."

There are some things that you just cannot change, and a Country that is hardcore steeped into the Communism, is one of them. Of course, seeing he’s a Marxist as all, he might just be able to talk shop with Cubans.

Birds of a feather, flock together, I always say.