Anti-Jewish Propagandist Page found on Barack Obama’s official campaign page.

Now this could be very bad, if this catches on in the MSM.

Go Look Update: Page removed, Wow! That was fast!

Just in case, they pull it, here it is:


Now, any other time, I would not have given this a second glance, but seeing that Fox News just did an report on the ties Obama has to a former PLO member Rashid Khalid, this could bite Obama in the behind in a big way.

You would think that someone like Obama would employ someone in that campaign to actively monitor the site and watch the log files for sites like this to spring up. Because you just know that the Hillary supporters, especially the more militant ones, will create sites like this to torpedo his chances of getting into the White House.

Is it disgusting? For someone running for the White House? Yes. Am I surprised? No.

Others: Little Green Footballs, Doug Ross, Israel Matzav and The Other McCain