John Cole is a America-Hating Bastard Mother Fucker

I apologize to my regular readers of the Blog for the obscene title. But it is how I feel at the moment.

I knew it would not be too long before some idiot son of a bitch said something like this. But they have.

Seems ol’ John Cole over at Balloon Juice,  is already tired of seeing the coverage of the death of Political Icon Tim Russert. John’s a former Republican, who got angry and left the Republican Party because of George W. Bush. I used to like ‘ol John, when I first start Blogging, balloon juice was one of my favorite places to hang out. It seems now that John has blended in nicely with the communist socialists well. Even to the point of mocking a dead man.

Seems some of his Liberal bastard buddies feel the same way. You see now why I left that bunch of Godless idiots?

They’re now saying that Tim was harder on the democrats that the Republicans. I say B.S. He gave both sides hell, and that is why they did not like him.

Anyone that says anything other than this, is just being fucking intellectually dishonest. Period.

Once again, I find myself in agreement with Jack Moss,  But it’s not a fuse, John Cole has contracted a mental disorder, called Liberalism.