Afghanistan officials claim US air strikes killed civilians

You know, I’m just going to say it….


Afghan officials said fighter aircraft battling militants accidentally killed up to 27 Afghans walking to a wedding ceremony in eastern Afghanistan early Sunday, the second military attack in three days with reports of civilian deaths — Afghan officials: US missiles killed 27 civilians – Yahoo! News

Two Words….

Tough shit

Why would I say that? I’ll tell you why. The way I see it, if your country knowingly harbors a terrorist leader and his group of thugs, that was responsible for killing 2,974 of our people. Then I say if some of your people, who happened to be in the area, when our forces happen to be taking out a group of terrorists. That’s just too damn bad.

Does that make me a chicken hawk? Hell No. What that makes me is someone who supports our Military, it makes me a Nationalist, who loves America and happens to believe in the doctrine of “what comes around, goes around” and of “If you play with mud, you’re gonna get dirty”.

Some of us, have not forgotten, at all, what happened in New York, and at the Pentegon on 9/11.

Others: BLACKFIVE, Sweetness & Light

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