Barack Obama, Pussy in Chief?

It seems that way….


A coalition of military groups is planning a nationally televised town-hall-style meeting with the presidential candidates near Fort Hood, Tex., the largest active-duty military installation in the country. But so far, only Senator John McCain of Arizona, the presumptive Republican nominee, has agreed to attend.

CBS has agreed to broadcast the meeting live from 9 to 11 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, Aug. 11. The candidates would face questions directly from an audience of 6,000 people, made up of veterans, service members and military families from the base.

Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has not agreed to participate.

“Senator Obama strongly supports America’s veterans and military families and has worked hard on their behalf in the Senate,” said Phillip Carter, director of Mr. Obama’s veterans effort and an Iraq war veteran. “While we unfortunately had a previously scheduled commitment on the date proposed, Senator Obama looks forward to continuing the dialogue he’s been having throughout the country with veterans on how we can better serve our men and women in uniform as they serve us.”Obama Won’t Commit to Event at Military Base –

The way I see it, If B. Hussein Obama does not have to guts to appear before a crowd of Military men. He’s nothing more than a cowardly communist sissy liberal. He claims that he does not want to use the Military to make a cheap political point. I got news for you, Barry’s whole fucking campaign has been one BIG fucking political point!

Just further proof that without teleprompter, he nothing more than a empty suit, sleazeball, NEGRO Chicago Politician. (yeah, that’s right, I called him what he IS, a NEGRO!)

Others: Hot Air, Weekly Standard Blog, The News Buckit, Flopping Aces, Wake up America and

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