Barry's Plan in the New York Times, just more of the stump speech

It seems that B. Hussein Obama wrote a Op-Ed Piece in the New York Times.

I won’t bother quoting any of it. Why? Because it is basically the same old muddled stump speech that he gave in the damn primary. It’s short of specifics, short on details, and basically is the same old mantra of Hope, Change and get out of Iraq.

If Barry hopes to have any sort of a prayer in hell of getting elected to the office President of the United States, He had better get more specific, as to how exactly he plans on getting us out of Iraq, without that country falling into utter chaos.

His little stump speech is based upon the conditions on the ground in 2006, and NOT 2008. If he has any plan on getting elected, he had better update his damn teleprompter or he might just be getting him a job as the White House shoeshine boy, for John McCain.

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