Obama: 9/11, WTC Attacks, Radical Islam is the USA's Fault…

Are we sure that this man isn’t a closet Muslim? In this quote, he basically says that 9/11 was our fault.


ZAKARIA: But how do you view the problem within Islam? As somebody who saw it in Indonesia … the largest Muslim country in the world?

OBAMA: Well, it was interesting. When I lived in Indonesia — this would be ’67, ’68, late ’60s, early ’70s — Indonesia was never the same culture as the Arab Middle East. The brand of Islam was always different.

But around the world, there was no — there was not the sense that Islam was inherently opposed to the West, or inherently opposed to modern life, or inherently opposed to universal traditions like rule of law.

And now in Indonesia, you see some of those extremist elements. And what’s interesting is, you can see some correlation between the economic crash during the Asian financial crisis, where about a third of Indonesia’s GDP was wiped out, and the acceleration of these Islamic extremist forces.

It isn’t to say that there is a direct correlation, but what is absolutely true is that there has been a shift in Islam that I believe is connected to the failures of governments and the failures of the West to work with many of these countries, in order to make sure that opportunities are there, that there’s bottom-up economic growt
. – Source: CNN exclusive: Obama on foreign policy – CNN.com

I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a terrorism apologist to me. I think all he needs is a turban and a Koran and he would look like Osama Bin Laden’s brother. Wait. Isn’t that what he…..never mind. 😮 😯

Others: Jihad Watch, Connecting.the.Dots and Macsmind

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