Democrat's Senate Energy Bill flops, because of Democrat Stupidity

This does not surprise me in the least, as I have often said, we need to close the Enron loophole AND increase production.

Via Reuters:


Legislation to rein in excessive energy speculation failed a key procedural vote on Friday to move forward in the Senate, and now lawmakers will set aside the bill to consider other legislation.

The House of Representatives may take up its own anti-speculation bill next week, and then lawmakers will get
ready to leave for their month-long recess in August.
Sixty "yes" votes were required in the 100-member Senate for the bill to move forward, but the measure received only 50 "yes" votes, while 43 lawmakers opposed.

Senate Democrats said the legislation was needed to give the government new powers to curb speculators, whom many lawmakers accused of being behind the run-up in crude oil and gasoline prices.

So, why did the Democrats shelve this very important bill? Because they wanted to end the speculation WITHOUT loosening the tight regulations of drilling for oil, that’s why! 🙄


Senate Republicans strongly opposed the bill because it focused only on speculation, and they argued the legislation should be modified to also boost U.S. oil production by allowing more offshore drilling and developing vast oil shale fields in the West.

Republicans said tight petroleum supplies that were unable to keep up with demand were the cause of high energy prices.

"Americans are insisting we do more. They want us to do something to cut the price of gas and lessen our dependence on Middle East oil," said Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.

"And so I ask my friends (Democrats) on the other side the same simple question I asked them yesterday: If you won’t act now, with dialysis patients cutting back on treatments because of high gas prices, when will you? What is it going to take?" McConnell said.

However, instead telling the truth about the elitist, limousine Democrats, who really do not care if the gas of prices tops 5 to 8 dollars a gallon, instead scary Harry Reid, The idiot Mormon piece of crap, says this, spinning the pointed head top that he is..:


"Republicans once again have run away from an opportunity to provide a short-term solution to our energy crisis," Reid said. "While Democrats have worked to stop greedy speculators who artificially inflate oil prices, Republicans have chosen to protect them.


Leave it to the idiot Democrats, to stall the wheels of progress and prevent relief at the pump, because they want to regulate everything so damned tightly. As, of all people, Howard Stern put it, "They’re nothing but damned commies."

Amen, Howard, they are commies. They’re also commies who do not like to be criticized as well. It seems that Scary Harry Reid got a little hot under the collar over the way the press was covering him. Two words for that feckless Mormon piece of garbage; TOUGH SHIT!

Do you NOW see why I left the "Left of Center" position?!?!?!?!

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