Once again, Conservative Bloggers are being locked out of Blogspot Blogs.

This via Confederate Yankee:

Online activists thought to be loyal to Barack Obama are once against using Google’s software tools to target rival political blogs for elimination as spam blogs. This occurred earlier this year when Democratic bloggers with a preference for Hillary Clinton also found themselves locked out of their own blogs, all because of spurious and apparently orchestrated claims that these blogs are spam blogs. Pro-Obama activists were blamed for those attempts at censorship as well.

Like John at Argghhh!, I don’t think for a second that the Obama campaign has any official knowledge of this attempt to hamstring or terminate rival political viewpoints, but as Obama once won an election by exercising procedural tricks to have his rivals thrown off the ballot, it is certainly in line with the kind of character he has displayed in the past.

This time to victim is David Marron, of The Thunder Run:

Hello All,

Seems someone is scared of the truth as I found this when I went to post this morning.

This blog has been locked due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations. You may not publish new posts until your blog is reviewed and unlocked.
This blog will be deleted within 20 days unless you request a review.

Its the same message Concrete Bob received and Rosemary posted for him.

This is bullshit as it appears that someone does not approve of the idea of free speech especially when the speech doesn’t conform to their ideas.

I’m always asked: “Why are the milblogs important?” Well we can see the reason why. We get the message out! We can not allow others to dictate the form or content of the message. The message must always be the truth, whether they want to hear it or not.

Regardless of the outcome with Google’s review, The Thunder Run is now in the process of purchasing a domain and finding seperate hosting services…I suggest anyone else that uses Blogger to do the same, its something I should have done a long time ago.

With John Donovan’s permission I will be posting most of my stuff at Castle Argghhh! until further notice.

David M
Editor: The Thunder Run

It also appears that a bunch of others were nailed too. They were
Princess Crabby
Information Dissemination
The Thunder Run:
Concrete Bob
Princess Crabby
Information Dissemination
Flag Gazing
Joshua Pundit
Blue Lyon
Come A Long Way
Nobama Blog
Hyper Educated Uppity Woman
Reflections in Tyme
McCain Democrats
Hillary Or Bust
Florida Voters
Political Lizard
Deacons Bench
Paragraph Farmer
Happy Catholic
Vita Nostra in Ecclesia
Catholic Fire
Dr. Helen
Organized Rage

My friends this is nothing more than fascism, by Liberals who want to squash the Conservative message here in America. I am so glad, that I got smart and got the hell off of Blogspot. I am now on a great host that is an Conservative himself. Although, he does not Blog about Politics. I hope all of these Bloggers can get hosting. If you’re seriously in a pinch and need hosting, get ahold of me and I will put you in contact with someone who might be able to help.

GLENN REYNOLDS isn’t buying it. Oh, what the hell does he know any fucking way? Dude thinks cause he a fucking law professor, that he’s got the inside edge on Google? Please.


(H/T Memeorandum)

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