Chuck Baldwin just made my voting decision easier…..

I’ve already thrown one Conservative Commentator under the bus for this. Now, it looks like I am going to have to throw another under the damned bus as well.

Chuck Baldwin has decided that his Presidential ambitions are worth the proverbial “pissing into the wind.” He has decided to stand with the habitual lying stack of human excrement that is Jerry Corsi.

There was a time and point when I thought that Chuck Baldwin was a sensible alternative to John McCain’s Neo-Conservative Bush 2.0 type of a Presidency. It has become increasingly apparent that this is no longer the case.

Chuck Baldwin is, in fact, a Born Again Christian and a Baptist Minister. But yet, he will stand behind a man, who published a book that was so chalk full of damned errors, that it garnered a 44 page rebuttal from the Obama campaign. I am afraid my friends and dear readers that this is nothing more than rank hypocrisy.

I will be, unless something drastically changes before the November election, voting for Libertarian Candidate for President Bob Barr.

Blogs are considered by many to be a extension of one’s personality and in my case, political ideologies. This blog stands against the far left’s Anti-American Socialist, Commie, Liberal Agenda. But it also stands for something else, Journalistic Integrity. Sadly this trait is missing and obviously scarce in the far right wing media outlets.

Because of these actions, I will not ever again, mention the name of Chuck Baldwin on this Blog. He is out of the running as far as I am concerned. I believe in attacking Obama on his political ideologies, not based upon baseless smears and outright lies.

This is the first and last thing, that I will ever write about, discuss or even mention about this subject.

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