John McCain is floating idea of Pro-Choice V.P., Base is PISSED!!!

On Saturday Night John McCain gave one of the strongest debate performances ever. Now it seems that John McCain is preparing to take that momentum that he has created and is going to use it to slam his campaign directly into a brick wall.

This comes via Rich Lowery over "The Corner" at National Review Online:

NR has learned that the McCain campaign has been calling key state GOP officials around the country the last couple of days and
sounding them out about the consequences of a pro-choice VP pick. The campaign is asking about the reaction of conservative grass-roots
activists to such a pick and whether a pro-choicer can be sold to them. This is an indication that the McCain campaign is serious about the
possibility of a pro-choice VP nominee and that McCain leaving the door open to Tom Ridge last week may not have been merely a friendly nod to a longtime supporter. In this scenario, McCain’s emphatic pro-life statements Saturday night and his pledge that he’ll run a "pro-life
administration" would have been partly an attempt to reassure conservatives in the event of a pro-choice pick.

You know, I’ve often dismissed John McCain’s campaign as President Bush part 2 and have often mocked him for being a senile old fool. But I honestly am starting to believe this now.

Needless to say, The Conservative Blogging World is NOT amused, and that is putting it mildly.

Reactions from around the ‘Sphere:

Michelle Malkin:

Wouldn’t put it past him. Would you? Which is why, despite all the encomiums he’s received from his Saddleback appearance, I haven’t
joined the ga-ga bandwagon (and won’t)

Jack Moss of Macsmind:

Mistake? The understatement of the century. First, there is absolutely no reason for such a pick. McCain is tied in most polls and
Obama appears on the ropes from his recent appearances.

He might as well pick out that retirement home in Arizona, some things are non-negotiable.

Now is NOT the time to sacrifice the children for the sake of votes.

Robert Stacy McCain:

Supporting abortion is a losing position. The numbers of abortion has been declining for several years. The fanatical pro-choice position is
most common among a certain segment of Baby Boomer liberals, while the fanatical pro-life position is held by most faithful Catholics.

Any Republican candidate who embraces pro-choice politics will automatically lose support among faithful Catholics, while gaining
practically nothing in return, because the liberals who care most about the abortion issue are almost 100% Democrats.


Even to suggest that Ridge would be considered for VP is a political blunder by the McCain campaign. What, exactly, does Ridge add
to the McCain ticket? Are they afraid of losing the "boring old guy" vote?

McCain brings enough seniority and national-security cred for the ticket. What he needs is a fresh, energetic, popular
domestic-policy guy — Pawlenty or Jindal. It’s important for McCain to have a young CONSERVATIVE running mate, to reassure conservatives about
the future of the Republican Party in the post-McCain era.
Floating Ridge’s name with state party officials is attempted political suicide.

Nation Review’s Editorial Board:

Heading into the conventions, McCain remains an underdog. Yet his situation is far from desperate. For vice president, he should make a
choice that’s conservative in both meanings of the word.

Just a suggestion, someone needs to tell McCain to back that damn Bus up and throw the damn Pro-Choice people off and get Pro-Life Vice President, otherwise, McCain might just find himself without a base and without that base, we will be looking at a Marxist, Liberal President for the next 4-8 years.