Democratic Party regains it's mind, restores voting rights to Michigan

So much for the Democratic way of sticking to one’s principles.

Via The Detroit News:

The Democratic Party on Sunday ended — for now — the long fight over Michigan’s presidential primary, approving Barack Obama’s request to give Michigan and Florida full voting rights at the national convention that begins here today.

The move by the convention’s Credentials Committee officially reverses the party’s decision last year to punish the two renegade states for holding primaries before their assigned dates. In separate votes, and with the intention of unifying the party, the panel approved the full seating of Michigan and Florida with no debate or opposing votes.

“We succeeded in challenging the system,” said Michigan’s senior U.S. senator, Carl Levin, a longtime opponent of the early contests held in Iowa and especially New Hampshire.

“It wasn’t as smooth as we had hoped, but we succeeded in landing on our feet.”

I suppose the readers of this Blog, especially those who are Conservatives, think that now that the little voting right issue is resolved that Mr. Paleo Pat here will go hopping and skipping back to Democratic Party. Well, think again.

If you think for one solitary second that I would ever, ever! Go back to party that advocates the wholesale abortion of unborn Babies, a party that thrives on the practice of Identity Politics, a party that advocates and even promotes the homosexual lifestyle, a party that advocates that utter disrespect for our Nation’s military, the party that wants this Nation to adapt a strategy of, yes, I use the damn term, “Cut and Run” or as I like to call it. “We lost, Let’s quit”, in Iraq and Afghanistan. You are absolutely and abjectly out of your god-forsaken mind.

There’s no way I would ever, not in a million years, go back to that party. I’ve learned too much, I’ve Blogged too much about them, I know the lies, the deceptions that they heap upon the American people, who are, as Andrew P. Napolitano astutely put it, a nation of sheep.

I am a Independent, Libertarian Conservative, and so shall I remain until I take my last dying breath.

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