Yeah, I know, it’s Sarah Palin

Sorry about the delay in getting started today. I just could not sleep last night. I have those nights, it sucks, but there isn’t a thing I can do about it.

Yes, I know. It’s Palin.

…and of course, the Christian Right is wetting themselves with self-righteous glee. Which I find to be absolutely sickening.

Michelle Malkin says:

Yes, I’m impressed. Very impressed.


12:44pm Eastern. Palin gives props to Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton. “The women of America aren’t finished yet…We can shatter that glass ceiling once and for all!”

Palin coopts the Hope and Change mantra. Sweet.

Audience coopts “Yes, we can!” Sweet.

God bless America!

For real.

HotAir’s Ed Morrissey:

This is change you can believe in, and not change that amounts to all talk. McCain changed the trajectory of the race today by stealing Obama’s strength and turning it against him. Obama provided that opening by picking Biden as his running mate, and McCain was smart enough to take advantage of the opening.

My Take:

Two Words. Big Whoop.

First of all, we already had an overly ambitious woman trying to run for the highest office in the land. I am sorry, but women just do NOT belong in politics. Especially this one, she has a damn baby, I just could not get over the image of how Palin put her own newborn baby off on her daughter, all the while standing up there in her self righteous glory, harping for all that attention. Not to mention the way her older daughters were dressed, looking like two dollar whores, with their dresses hiked up above their knees, and this woman is a Conservative? Please, don’t make me laugh. (To be fair, McCain’s daughter, Sidney, was dressed like a slut too…)

Second of all, she’s pro-life, she’s a part of that far right, evangelical Christian attempt to Christianize America, which I feel violates ones right of Freedom of, and FROM a organized Religion. Further more, she is a part of that Fascist attempt to get the Government to try and control what a woman can do with her body, as a Libertarian, I feel that is in direct opposition to our United States Constitution and is in direct opposition to the very idea of limited Government.

Third of all, she has zero Political experience. The woman served on the PTA, (Harper Valley?) served on the local city council, then ran for Mayor of her home town, then ran Governor of Alaska and won. Now McCain wants to make her a V.P.? Not a smart move Juan McSame.

Just a personal opinion, but I look for that straight talk express to hit the damn wall. Hard.

Will this cause McCain to draw former Hillary supporters, not likely at all. They know the things that Hillary stood for and the more informed one’s will know what the Republicans stand for. It just will not happen.

The Bottom Line: Color me highly unimpressed.

Update: Ramesh Ponnuru somewhat agrees with me, although, he’s not nearly extreme about it as me.

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