Far Lefty loon talk radio host Randi Rhoads jumps the shark……again…….

(Via and a very big H/T to Captain Ed over at HotAir.com)

Here we go again! It seems that the far-lefty loon talk show radio host Randi Rhodes has once again jumped the shark.

On September 8, 2008, Rhodes claimed that Presidential Candidate John McCain received preferential treatment in Vietnam, when he was taken captive.

Now it seems, that she has her eyes on Sarah Palin, something that does not surprise this writer at all, seeing that she divorced her husband. and is suspected of being a closet lesbian.

Now, Rhodes is accusing Sarah Palin of sleeping with teenage boys.

The Video:

The Transcript:

RHODES (HOUR TWO — 47:59): She’s the woman who shows up at the kid’s birthday party and starts opining about everything from politics to lawn care. This is the woman that knows it all. Will shout you down, will get revenge on you. That’s who she is.

She’s friends with all the teenage boys. You have to say no when your kids say, ‘can we sleep over at the Palin’s? No! NO!’

This is the same Randi Rhodes, who is known for her unhinged skits, public spills, obscene rants and wild accusations.

This is the same sweat hog, who was FIRED from Air America for calling Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro both “Big f******ing whores”. She claims that she quit, after she was suspended, but anyone with the half a brain knows that’s a big fat lie. Not that it matters, but I happen to know personally, that there are those in the Liberal/Progressive community that do not like this woman, at all. I would show you the comments left about her over at Crooks & Liars after her firing from Air America, but they have since been closed. However, I can show you comments from DailyKos, by those who do not like her at all.

It was been said, over at DailyKos and on other progressive and far lefty liberal Blogs that Randi Rhodes is viewed as the far left’s answer to Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh. Although, I would be willing to bet that fans of theirs would take issue with that assessment.

As I have said many, many, many, times over on this Blog. Do you see now why I left that side of the political fence? Ronald Reagan had it absolutely right when he gave that speech in 1964. Man did he ever.

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