When you lose FOX NEWS, you KNOW you're in trouble

(H/T to The Washington Monthly)

Looks like ol’ Juan McSame has basically shot his wad over at Faux Noise.

The Video:

Quote: (Via Think Progress) (anyone that doesn’t like it that I quoted them, can go fuck themselves..)

“Not on the middle class,” shot back Kelly, noting that “virtually every independent analyst” has said that the McCain campaign is lying:

KELLY: But you guys have suggested he’s going to raise taxes on the middle class and virtually every independent analyst
who took a look at that claim said that’s not true
.  He’ll raise it on people making $200,000 or $250,000, but not the middle class.

Bounds tried to push back by saying that Obama had voted to raise taxes in the past, but Kelly kept pushing Bounds to admit the McCain
campaign was lying. “If that’s false, why would John McCain do that, Tucker? Why wouldn’t he just level with the voters?” asked Kelly:

KELLY: Let’s stay on point, I’m not giving him any credit. I’m saying what the independent analysts say. They say that claim is false. And if that’s false, why would John McCain do that Tucker? Why wouldn’t he just level with the voters and say, “look, he’s going to raise taxes on the wealthy or whatever you consider somebody to be making over $250,000, it’s going to have a trickle down effect. That may not be good for the middle class.” But why say he’s going to raise taxes on the middle class when he’s not?

I don’t look for Juan McSame to last much longer, if he keeps this up. Oh Well, that’s what happens when you stiff your own party in favor of a platform of a reformer. Can’t say he doesn’t deserve it though. Thought he’d bring the moose bitch on and everything would be all rosey posey. Think again McSame, the Republican Party and the Conservatives have got your number.

Juan McSame is about as much of a Conservative as I am an atheist. His favor of amnesty is stuff of legend. He’s a Neo-Conservative Globalist, just like King George W.