Yes, I know about the Sarah Palin e-mail scandal

Yes, I know about the email story. No, I’m not quoting it or putting any of those pictures here. As it might cross into legal issues, and quite frankly, jail sucks.

There’s a little funny story behind my finding out about it.

As a Blogged about earlier, I had to attend a memorial service for my Dad’s Sister, who died on Sept 10.

Well, that few hours, turned into about a 5 hour event and seeing I was living on about 4 hours sleep, from like the previous evening. I was dog tired.  Hell, if someone would have told me that the Russians were firing nukes at the United States, I would have most likely have told them, that as long as they didn’t land in my bedroom, I didn’t honestly give two flips, as I was tired and going to sleep. Needless to say, my bed was looking mighty fine by the time I made it back home.

Anyhow, I finally awoke from my slumber around 7:30, Hell, I slept through a Pizza delivery. I never sleep through a pizza delivery, ever.

So, anyhow, I woke up, put my glasses on, and got my pizza slices out of the microwave, and I took a bite and opened my news source and this story was the headliner. I nearly choked on my pizza! 😯 😮

Now I said all that to say all this. My reaction to this story is….. Well, basically, Yawn and if you’re a big time Government person like Palin, Why the hell would you use a web e-mail service like yahoo anyhow? That just doesn’t strike me as very smart at all.

I mean, The Republicans are trying to run this narrative that they’re so much better than the Democrats. Needless to say, this is not helping further that narrative at all.

You can follow the story and see the opinions at Memeornadum and TechMeMe. Me? I’m going back to bed. I need more sleep. 😛

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