Speaking of OY! John McCain's chief of staff is GAY!!!!

If this hits the Main Stream media, it very well could ruin John McCain’s Presidential Campaign.

It appears that John McCain’s Chief of staff is a Homosexual


What does John McCain’s loyal chief of staff – a man who apparently is in a long-term relationship with another man, and appears to be open about it to John McCain — think about the fact that Sarah Palin devoutly worships at a church that promotes “converting” gays to heterosexuality? What, conversely, does she think of him? More importantly, what does John McCain think about all of this? And don’t we deserve some answers from the American media?

Over the past month I’ve been contacted by three different individuals (two of them members of the Log Cabin Republicans) claiming that McCain’s Senate chief of staff, Mark Buse, is gay. None of these individuals would be quoted by name, though each described Buse as being rather “open” to those around him and to his family – in a “glass closet” rather than deeply undercover or trying to appear heterosexual.

Then I was contacted in recent weeks by 46-year-old Brian Davis, an Arizona resident, who told me about his intimate relationship with Mark Buse (confirmed by Davis’ mother, as well as by a long-time friend), and who decided he needed to tell the truth about Buse, on the record, in light of John McCain’s dramatic shift to the ideological religious right in this election and his choice of Sarah Palin, starlet of the evangelical movement, as a running mate. (Repeated calls to Mark Buse’s office and calls and email to McCain’s communications office in the Senate regarding this story were unreturned. Mike Rogers, the blogger and activist who revealed the truth about Senator Larry Craig and others in politics, today reports this same reality about Mark Buse that I report here, with separate, independent sourcing.)


The traditional media may be petrified to pick up this story but people across the country who see McCain’s hypocrisy and who support equality will only demand more answers. Certainly our media could serve us better by getting us those answers rather than once again putting their heads in the sand.

Unbelievable. I’ve always said that the Republican Party is becoming more and more like the Democratic Party everyday. The line of separation is become smaller and more blurred by the minute.

Can someone please tell me, just what the hell happened to the Party of Morals? I always thought that the G.O.P. was the Party of Christian morals? I always thought that the Republican Party was the Anti-Liberal Party? I thought it was the one who differed themselves from the Party of God-forsaken homosexuals? It seems that I was quite wrong about that.

Between this and the Republicans selling the Fiscal Conservatives, like me, up the damn river. I’m almost inclined to believe that the Republican has officially gone to hell.

Needless to say, The Republican Party is NOT the Party of Ronald Reagan. I mean, A gay staffer, A female V.P. pick? What the hell is going on in that Party??!?!?! Whatever happened to women staying home and raising their children and being a good Conservative Christian Woman?  Whatever happened to Conservatives shunning the sin-depraved Homosexuals?

It simply boggles the mind…. 

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