Editorial: Do we really want another Neo-Conservative in the White House?

It is not every day that I find myself in agreement with Keith Olbermann. In fact, fifty percent of the time, I find myself talking back to the television, when his show is on. However, this time is a huge exception. In this video, Keith comes to the same conclusion that I myself came to, while watching the debates Thursday night. That conclusion is that Sarah Palin, for all her good looks, down to earth charm, and Conservative values is nothing more than President George W. Bush in a woman’s body.

The Video:

Honestly, what else are independent minded people like me supposed to think? While I am a Libertarian Paleo-Conservative, I am also quite the Constitutionalist. It is no myth at all the Vice-President Dick Cheney literally stepped all over our Nation’s Constitution. In fact, I can honestly tell you that while I do not fear George W. Bush, I frankly do fear Dick Cheney, which is Because Dick Cheney is in my opinion the perfect embodiment of a right wing fascist.

I read with great amusement recently where Neo-Conservative publisher Joseph Farah stated that fascism is a left wing doctrine. While he is possibly correct in his definition of the word and the philosophy behind it, if he thinks that fascism is only limited to the liberal side of the political fence he is very highly mistaken. One need only take one look at the Bush Administration’s attempts to silence those who pointed out that Bush and his corrupt Administration were wrong about Weapons of Mass Destruction, which they frantically waved in front of the American people, as an excuse to invade a country that had absolutely nothing to do with the September 11 attacks.

Then during this Vice-Presidential debate, we have a Vice President candidate carping about how she wants to expand the powers of the office of Vice-President. Is this ignorant woman serious? This is supposed to be a Republican candidate for President of United States, A Conservative, and Conservatives believe in limited Government, less taxes and individual freedom. Yet this woman wants to expand the role of the Vice President and thereby increase the size of our Government. Is there any other Independent Conservative-minded person that sees something terribly wrong with this picture, besides me?

While I do applaud the accomplishments of this woman, (What little they might be) I just cannot sit idly by and not speak out against this woman’s Neo-Conservatism and Rockefeller type of Conservatism. America, especially here in Michigan, has suffered through eight years of George W. Bush’s idiotic failed policies. We cannot afford four to eight more years of royally screwing the middle class, while Wall Street gets richer and richer. We cannot afford four to eight more years of George W. Bush and frankly, Dick Cheney in a skirt!

I urge everyone that happens to read this blog, Conservative and Liberal. Republican, Democrat, and everyone in between to really take a good hard look at this woman and her running mate and think about it; do we really want another President like the one we have in there? While I am not a big fan of the socialist agenda of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, I honestly have to wonder, would America be better off with a Democrat in the White House, who might raise taxes a little and might put forth some socialist programs for those who might actually need them?

There is no mistake, the idea that Government will expand under an Obama Administration is nothing more than a well-manufactured myth. Our Government is already oversized as it is and anyone who believes that John McCain will reduce the size of the Government is suffering from delusions of grandeur. He will no more reduce the size of our Government, than I will take up the cause for Roman Catholicism.

I firmly believe that it is high time that the American people, political pundits, and the media pull their collective heads out of the sand and begin to think for themselves and really ask themselves, what do we want for a President? Because if we make the tragic mistake that we made in 2000 and 2004, America will become nothing more than a wasteland. Instead of people looking at America with pride, they will look away in utter horror and disbelief that we as American citizens allowed our country and ourselves to become. We simply cannot afford to be asleep at the switch this election season.

Thanks for reading.

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