Brutally Honest: I have lost all faith in the Republican brand

I have held off on Blogging about the recent events here in the election. Partially because of personal reasons, I was a bit busy doing some other stuff with my family and partially because I quite honestly have no defense for what I see as just abject and absolute racism and the stoking of racial hatred in this country, by the party that claims to be the party that liberated blacks from slavery.

Whether the Republican Party or the Conservatives want to admit this or not, but Sarah Palin is doing nothing more than bringing shame to the Republican Party. With her attempting to paint Barack Obama as some sort of terrorist, her allowing and even encouraging people to accuse him of treason and even allowing someone to utter a death threats aloud. I will say this, and if anyone wants to try to paint me as a Liberal, feel free, I just do not care anymore, The Republican Party that I am seeing right before my eyes, is not the Republican Party that I remember as a young boy. This crap is not the Ronald Reagan conservatism that I grew up admiring and respecting. As far as I am concerned, the Republican Party has become a Ku Klux Klan without the robes.

I believe that it is fair and very important to note, that Sarah Palin has ties to terrorism too. Her Pastor was and still is a terrorist by the Bush Administration’s definition. Before he became the Pastor of Wasilla Assembly of God, which she attended for many years, Pastor Thomas Muthee was a missionary to the country of Africa, while there; he decided that there was a local woman in the town of Kiambu, of the name “Mama Jane” who was by his own definition “A Witch.”

Eventually, after repeated harassment by the local law enforcement there, she fled the town. Furthermore, Sarah Palin’s own husband was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, until 2002, of whom its founder, Joe Vogler said, “I’m an Alaskan, not an American. I’ve got no use for America or her damned institutions.” Joe Vogler was killed in 1993 he is buried in Canada.

Therefore, having said all the above, it is apparent to this writer; that Sarah Palin is nothing more than an abject hypocrite. By her and her party’s definition of “Terrorist,” she is guilty of the very same charges.

I am sorry to say this, but if John McCain continues to allow this sort of nonsense to continue in his campaign, especially when the Nation’s economy is in the damned toilet. When our stock market and financial institutions are being propped up by the United States Government due to a lack of regulation, which was caused by the utter incompetent of one political party and the inaction of another that was in the majority for over 6 years. If John McCain allows this sort of idiotic nonsense to continue, the Republican Party is going to lose and lose very hard, come this election in November.

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