So much for that “Kill Him!” Narrative!

It seems that the narrative about someone yelling out “Kill Him!” about Obama at a Palin rally.

Patterico as always is on the story:

Everyone in the country seems to think someone yelled “Kill him!” at a McCain/Palin rally, about Barack Obama. It’s just not true.

The “Kill him!” phrase was originally reported by the Washingon Post — and it was clearly yelled about William Ayers and not Barack Obama.

I quoted the relevant language in this post:

“And, according to the New York Times, he [referring to Ayers — P] was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, ‘launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,’” [Palin] continued.

“Boooo!” the crowd repeated.

“Kill him!” proposed one man in the audience.

That is unambiguously a call to kill Ayers, not Obama. As TNR writer Michael Crowley said in a comment to this post of his (h/t L.N. Smithee):

I took “kill him” to mean Ayers–not Obama. It’s just a far, far likelier explanation given the context. That’s still an ugly thing to shout–but on the other hand Ayers probably would have gotten the death penalty had his bombs actually taken a life. If I thought people were actually yelling that about Obama I would feel very differently.

Indeed. [UPDATE: Dana Milbank, who originally reported this, agreed. According to a Politico blog entry: “Milbank said that his impression was that the man meant Ayers, not Obama.” Thanks to “no one you know.”]

So, when the left claims that people are yelling at Palin rallies to kill Obama. You can safely know that it is nothing more than a well manufactured lie. A lie manufactured by a Media that is in the tank for Obama.

Surprising? No. Shocking, Not hardly. Thanks for the Karl Rove and his group of Neo-Conservative idiots, we are going have Liberalism shoved down our throats for the next 4 to 8 years. If we’re not destroyed by a terrorist attack before then.

Others: protein wisdom, Weekly Standard,

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