The Liberal Media goes after “Joe the Plumber”

Remember Joe the Plumber that I reluctantly Blogged about earlier? Well, because he had the… ahem… shall we say “Stones” (Surprise) to appear in Barry’s rope line and challenge him on his tax proposals, the Liberal Media is basically ruining the man’s life.

I can relate to poor Joe a bit. After my posting mocking the Left for stoking the racial hatred in this election, which landed me on, and gave me my 15 minutes of fame in the Blogosphere; I lost one ad company and two ads from another Ad Company that requested that I remove two Ads from my Blog. The funny thing is, the one ad company that dropped me, I made all of $46.48 with them and the other two advertisers that dropped me, I never made a DIME with them. So, the only thing that the angry left succeeded in doing to me, was removing quite a bit of clutter from my Blog.

Of course, if you bring up the fact that I am, in fact, a former “Left of Center” person and Blogger, If you bring up the fact that I have not had a job since 2005, thanks to the idiotic Democratic Governor here in Michigan, if you bring up the fact that the left has been just as nasty, just as racist and just as stupid as anything that I have ever posted. They run from you, like the America hating, anti-capitalist, terrorist appeasing, cowardly assholes that they are.

As Always Michelle Malkin is on the case, exposing the left’s mission to make a working man’s life a living hell. I hope the Joe files a defamation of character lawsuit against every last one of these media outlets, who are airing his dirty laundry to the world. Because if he has the right lawyer, he could in fact, collect a good amount of money from everyone of these places. I mean, there is enough video tape to prove that he is being assassinated character-wise in the media.

So Joe, I can relate. I’ve been there. It does end, sooner or later. But take my advice, get a damn lawyer and sue the living crap out of these bastards and teach them a lesson; once and for all.

If I could ask Barack Obama one question, it would be, “So Senator Obama, How does it feel to be the most famous black man in America, who ruined the life of a working class White Man?”

Update: Whew! Typo’s and bad grammer… Memo to self, drink coffee BEFORE Blogging in the morning… 😀