More Liberal Knee Jerk, Race Baiting stupidity!

This is too funny…. You cannot even criticize the Liberals without getting tagged a racist.

Michelle Malkin writes an article telling about what happened when the Government of Zimbabwe, Africa decided to "Spread the Wealth Around".

Well, the Liberals are having none of this, The Blogsophere’s resident Negro, Oliver Willis, is now accusing Malkin of being racist.

I’m with Darleen Click, I think Oliver needs to lay off the Cheetos and the Kool-Aid. Because the stuff is going to his head and affecting his ability to reason properly.

Then again, when your dealing with fascists…

Update: Ed Morrissey articulates this subject a bit better, I hate to scrape the entire posting, But this is great:

A few points should be made clear.  White owners controlled a vastly disproportionate amount of land in the former colony of Rhodesia, and some land reforms were inevitable if the nation was to learn to live peacefully.  Families like the Herbsts were likely to lose some of their land no matter what kind of government followed Rhodesia in the post-colonial era.  A rational land-reform plan based on free-market principles and compensation for private-property owners could have provided a stable transition to a more prosperous and united future for Zimbabwe.

Instead, Robert Mugabe robbed landowners at gunpoint, and murdered more than a few to make evictions less troublesome for the rest.  In the name of redistribution and fairness, Mugabe stole land that had fed most of the continent from the farmers who had the expertise and resources for production and gave it to cronies and tribal allies who didn’t.

This produced depressingly predictable results.  The Soviet Union and communist China had conducted similar land purges earlier in the century, and they had resulted in massive famines, economic collapse, and even greater oppression to stop the people from revolting against the government.  In Zimbabwe, the scenario has unfolded in the same manner.  Instead of being a major agricultural exporter, Zimbabwe now relies on food aid to keep its people from starving while its land lies fallow.  Their economy now experience nine-figure inflation rates, making its currency suitable only for wallpaper.

And what has been Mugabe’s response?  Even tighter government control of capital, making the situation even worse.

Redistributionism through capital seizure has always failed to produce a livable economy.  Where capital can flee, it does.  Where it cannot, it disappears into massive government bureaucracies and into the pockets of cronies and political allies.  Zimbabwe is a more extreme example, but still instructive, especially for the reaction of redistributionists when they face failure.  They never revert back to the principle of private property, but instead accelerate their confiscatory practices, until no capital remains to rebuild their economy.

It’s a failed principle, with numerous examples of catastrophic impact on nations, and uncountable personal examples like the Herbsts.  After a hundred and more years of redistributionist disasters, we should be smart enough to reject the entire notion by now.

I have nothing to add to that. Perfectly put. I guess now Ed will be added to the list of racists that the Liberal Fascists are blackballing. Just like they did me, when I posted something that offended a great deal of them. I wonder if they’ll go after HotAir’s advertisers like they did mine?  Rolling Eyes

As long as we have Liberal fascists in this country, we will never have true freedom of speech? Hate speech my ass. Who defines what is hate and what isn’t?