RNC Spends $150K to make Sarah Palin look good

Sorry gang, got a late start today. Slept till noon. SleepyYawn I needed to catch up. Didn’t get much sleep the last few days. Because Dad was in the hospital. So, I’m a little sluggish today. Sigh


The big story today is that the RNC spent $150K on wardrobe and make up on Sarah Palin and some within the Republican Party are not happy about it.

The reactions are mixed:

Michelle Malkin says “Heckuva job, RNC”

John McCormack at the Weekly Standard wants to know “How much is Hillary Clinton’s Wardrobe worth?

Don Surber says it was money well spent and based on some of these, well, interesting photos of her, I think he’s correct. Hee heeWinking

Ann Althouse wants to know if it is legal or not.

My Take: At this point, I do not think that this will all matter at all. Considering how John McCain is doing in the polls.  I believe that this is a distraction generated by the Liberal media to cover up for the huge gaffes made by Joe Biden.

Further more, I believe it is a distraction to focus away from the real facts about Barack Obama. In fact Ed over at Hotair.com and a few of his friends, have made up a very good case against Barack Obama. I suggest that you read it before voting.