A very good point

Bill Anderson posting over at Lew Rockwell’s Blog points out the following:

In a column dated April 1, 2003, Paul Craig Roberts wrote:

“Despite stiff and unexpected Iraqi resistance, the U.S. invasion of Iraq is likely to succeed in toppling Saddam Hussein—and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, President Bush, the Republican Party, and American neoconservatives.”

Blair is gone, the Neocons are looking for new hosts, and a week from tonight, the Republican Party will be decimated and most likely will be irrelevant for at least my lifetime and may never hold either the White House or a majority in either house of Congress again. It seems that it took a while for everything to come to pass, but Roberts got it correct.

A sad, but very good point. Thanks to the blatant stupidity of the Bush Administration,any sort of fiscal Conservatism, Social or Conservative period is going to be absent from the White House, Congress, and collectively in Washington D.C.

This should be, but most likely will not be, a teaching moment for the Republican Party. That Neo-Conservatism just does not work. Further more, it should be a lesson that one cannot elect a President based upon pedigree. It just does not work and in the end it will cost your party, as we see it doing now.

Of course, Bush had the chance to do things right and he blew it. This is why Republicans are going to lose and lose hard in this election.