Victor Davis Hans on Obama

Via The Corner on National Review Online

The messianic style—the cosmic tug to “change history”, or stop the seas from rising or the planet from heating, juxtaposed with the creepy faux-Greek columns, Michelle’s “deign to enter” politics snippet, the fainting at rallies, the Victory Column mass address, the vero possumus presidential seal, and the ‘we are the change we’ve been waiting for’ mantra—reflects the omnipresent narcissism: the exalted ends of electing a prophet always justify the often crude and all too mortal means.

If this is considered ‘right’, I’d rather be wrong with McCain.

The only thing that I disagree with on this, is this man assumption that McCain will be any better. That is a logical fallacy of epic proportions. McCain is nothing more than a “made” beltway boy, who was born into a Military Family and happened to marry into a great deal of money.

Attempting to claim that this makes John McCain anymore qualified to be President, would be pouring the fuel of hype onto a fire of foolishness. Truth is, if it were not have his multi-million dollar wife. John McCain would still be a maintenance supervisor in the Military. Well, he would now be retired. Putting it simply, the dude got lucky, damn lucky.

Anything other than this is spin and hype. Period.

I give Bob Barr a little credit, at least he’s a real human being, a real working class person and not a made beltway boy.