If it even passes, it won't last long

Charles Johnson over at the Neo-Conservative Little Green Footballs is wondering aloud Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force“:

The Department of Defense’s current base budget is close to $500 billion. So if he meant that promise, he plans on a total defense budget of about a trillion dollars.

What exactly is Obama planning to do with a “civilian force” with such an astronomical level of funding?

A good question that I would like to know as well. But all this posturing and guessing and scaremongering is for naught. Because first off, there is no way in hell that there is going to be a Democratic “Super-Majority”. No way, no how, there’s too many damn right leaning states for that to happen and no damn Conservative Senator or Representative, worth their salt, is going to sit idly by and allow Obama to pass a bill enacting something like this, ever.

You ask what If I’m wrong? Well, I could be, it might just get passed, but let me clue you in on something. The first time one of these “Civilian National Security Force” officers walks up on someone who’s “Bitter and Clingy” and they haul off and empty a clip into one of those officers and he dies. Then the Government will get sued by the family. When that happens the program will be scrapped.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that this program will never, ever get out of congress, because first off, look at the insurance money the Government would have to put on each one of these officers, then they’d have to get them gun training, if the Government even allows them to be armed. (Knowing Liberals like I do, they would not be…) If they did not allow them to be, the only thing they’d be is glorified rent-a-cops.

So, I think much of the guessing and worrying about this is for no reason. Because it is not going to happen. Just chalk it up to one of Barry’s Promises to get elected. Which he will do and American will have to suffer for 4 to 8 years of Hyper-or Neo-Liberal rule. Thanks Bush! 🙄