Even More Liberal Stupidity from the comment moderation que

Remember the thing I posted about the school teacher verbally abusing a school kid whose parents supported McCain?

Well, this little gem of mentally depraved Liberal stupidity,  just popped into my comment moderation Que…

Author : donnette (IP: , ip70-171-224-57.tc.ph.cox.net)
E-mail : lovinuthemost@yahoo.com
URL    : http://yahoo.com
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
Stop hating and be bless that God put a man in charge that is going to make a change and help the america live in a better world.

Stop hating….. Stop hating they say.

Why is it, when someone, like me, points out the fact that Obama supporters are the most vicious, nasty people, I’m called a hater?

Why is it, when I say that Barack Hussein Obama’s biggest accomplishment was being born a black man, when, in fact, he’s nothing more than a half breed, I am called a hater?

Why is it, when I say that Barack Hussein Obama is nothing more than a fucking sleazeball Chicago Politician, I am called a hater?

Why is it, when I say that I happen to think that Barack Hussein Obama is nothing more than a Baby Murdering, Communist Loving, Terrorist friendly, Brain-dead, god-forsaken, Liberal; I am called a hater?

Let me clue you idiot brain dead liberals in on something……. Yeah, you won your fucking election; you got your little negro Messiah. Well, whoopee fucking do! Yeah, he’s the President-Elect. I’ll respect his office. But let me clue you in on something and hopefully I can explain this, where your little fucking pea-sized brains can understand it.

He’s not MY President. He is in the sense that he was elected by the American people. But he’s not in the sense that I agree with his idiotic policies and his rather moronic political ideology. I despise his fucking big Government politics, I don’t buy the fucking bullshit line of, “Government is not the solution to all of America’s problems” that he gave to his brain-dead adoring fans. He DOES believe in big Government or he would not even be a fucking Democrat.

So, to you who come here and read this little blog of mine and want to leave your idiotic comments calling me a hater. I have one thing to say to you.

Fuck you.

No, Seriously, Fuck you. You waltz into my blog, which is owned by me, a site that’s really geared toward those who share my political, religious, and personal beliefs and you dared to leave some stupid fucking idiotic bullshit message of, “You’re a hater” and yet, YOU think that I am going to fucking approve something like that here? You’ve got some balls, my preconception of most dickless liberals aside; I will give you that.

So, there, I said it, I don’t like Obama or his Politics. I feel better. I hope you enjoyed reading this rather razor sharp Blog entry, as I did creating it. 😀