…..and here I thought *I* was grumpy!

Remember that little piece written by P.J. O’Rourke that I blogged about here recently?

Well, it appears that some of my fellow Paleo-Con’s are having none of it, at all; and BOY have the swords come out! 😮

Red Philips over at the Conservative Heritage Times writes:

P.J. O’Rourke’s lasted screed was referenced below. He does make some good points re. spending, fiscal responsibility and lost opportunities, but the good points are lost among his anti-Southern, anti-traditionalist, anti-Christian bigoted spit-flecked rants.

In the article he supports open borders (nothing could be more inherently unconservative), abortion, gay marriage, unconstitutional Civil Rights laws, and wars to spread democracy. What, prey tell, is he supposedly trying to conserve?

O’Rourke is a “libertarian leaning conservative,” my a**. He is an elitist, centrist, establishment shill.


Not to be outdone, John Zmirak over a Taki’s Magazine writes:

P.J. O’Rourke is now officially senile. Pour a stiff glass of bourbon before wading into this farrago of parrot-sh*t. The problem with conservatism, for P.J. as for Frumbag, is conservatives. They should learn to put up with forced desegregation and worthless public schools, gay marriage, abortion, colonization by hostile, nationalistic foreigners, and the use of the U.S. military to fight other country’s wars. In return they might, just might get… drumroll please: fiscal responsibility.  Yeah, we’ve never spent a dime on all that federal equality micromanagement and foreign conquest, or all those uninsured unskilled laborers. That’s funded by pennies from heaven.

Good Godfrey, I thought I was an grumpy old so and so! I can see their point. Of course, I tend to believe that this being directed at this man, because he’s a Neo-Con more than anything else. But still, Senile? Ouch!

Lose an election and start the circular firing squad. Egad, if I have to suffer through blogging about this for the next four to possibly eight years; I don’t know what I am going to do. 🙄

Just sayin’!