The Far Right Cries About Retreads.

Man, I do not know just how much stupidity I can handle in one day… I mean really.

The bleary-eyed blond, Carol Platt Liebau over at yowls on her Blog:

This AP piece just points out what should be obvious to everyone by now — that Barack “Change you can believe in” Obama has been filling the top ranks of his administration with Clinton era and/or beltway insiders.

What should, of course, be obvious is that such a move is probably necessary for a relative novice like President-elect Obama.  If he chose to surround himself with people who are as lacking in national experience as he is, the results would resemble . . . well, the Carter administration.

Obama is a true ideological believer when it comes to the ends he wants to pursue, but he’s a hard core pragmatist about the means for achieving them.  If a certain frisson of excitement is lost among his liberal base when they learn that the West Wing will be filled with a bunch of retreads, no doubt he figures that’s a trade-off everyone will be willing to make, so long as the results are worth it.  And make no mistake — he’s committed to making sure the results are worth it, at least for those on the left.

Uhm, Carol ever read any history books? Did not Reagan use Gerald Ford and Nixon Administration retreads in his Administration? Admittedly, he did have a few select Reagan-ites in doing his bidding, but the good majority of them were, in fact, Nixon and Ford Retreads. This was because Reagan did not have much experience and wanted people around him, who knew the beltway and could get things done. Sort of like, well, Obama.

Seriously, do these idiot Neo-Cons ever crack a book, before they spout? 🙄