Arizona Prosecutors Drop One of Two Murder Counts Against 8-Year-Old Boy

This is truly a sad story. 🙁

Video (Thanks to Breit Bart)

Back story here

I’m sure some idiot liberal will say, “See? This is why we need to get rid of guns!” While flapping their Liberal stained hands in the air.

Let me be clear on something, with owning a firearm, comes responsibility; obviously this man neglected to properly store his firearms away from the eyes of his son and his son accessed those firearms and now we have a double murder on our hands. Either this or that kid knew where the firearms were and how into get into the cabinet where the firearms were located.

Either way, this is a extremely sad case, and there is no easy answer, Guns are a America freedom that we cherish. However, with that freedom comes responsibility, we should always remember that. Least sad events like this happen.