Let's say thanks to our troops

You might notice the new thingy on the left there, that says “Let’s say thanks to our troops!” Well, what that is about is this here.  Everyday our American Military serves this Country Faithfully. Right now, we have soldiers serving in two wars. Not matter what you feelings about the events leading up to Iraq, or the fact that we’re even there; one thing that cannot be debated, argued or even dismissed, is the fact that our United States Military is the best, the bravest and the strongest. It is also a fact that they are doing the jobs, that the rest of us will not or cannot do…. and for this the fine men and women serving deserve our praise, honor and respect. Not to be ignored, there are also brave men and women fighting a war, against extremists in Afghanistan, in a country that is increasingly hostile to our presence.

Seeing all of this, I believe that some respect is due. So, I ask you, nicely, to click on the widget on the left and send a nice message to our Military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If you run a Blog and would like to run this widget, check out the website below:

Let’s Say Thanks HomePage

(Thanks Sister Toldjah)