Oy Vey…. – Liberals in Berkley fighting mad about… Nuke Laws?

Michelle Malkin reports that some of those idiotic Communist Code Pink idiots are fighting mad (What else is new?) over a nuke-free zone law.

Strange crowd indeed.

Here’s the e-mail that Michelle Got:

Code Pink’s very upset about it and forwarded it around. The key bit is that the Berkeley Public Library wants a waiver to get around the Berkeley Nuclear Free Zone laws (because they can’t do business with 3M otherwise).

It’s amusing in its own way…

Hi Berkeley People!

Who would ever have believed that this law that has been on the City of Berkeley books for 22 years in our town is now in jeopardy! Not only that but it[‘]s because of our beloved Berkeley Public Library! This is a situation that would make Kafka, himself, shudder!

The present dilemma starts with the Radio Frequency Identification D’s (RFID)-these are the chips now in all library books to track them AND you when you carry said book. They were purchased from the company, “Checkpoint” who then turned the (expired) contract over to 3M.

Since 3M is a manufacturer of munitions and depleted uranium with connections to Honeywell and Boeing, it is against the law for Berkeley to do business with them because of the Nuclear Free Status Law.

That’s why the library is requesting Berkeley to institute a 2 year waiver to rescind our Nuclear Free Status.

This waiver, which is now before the Berk. Peace & Justice Commission of the Berkeley City Council, could allow nuclear material to be transported through our town. In Berkeley we also have an important reputation as a peace city-this obviously would be in tatters.

The library doesn’t want to go to a bar-code system; it’s easier for them to keep the status quo even though the cost is $70,000/year to maintain this invasive of privacy system that also requires the waiver of the above mentioned law.

The Nuclear Free Law is more relevant now than ever!

PLEASE call/write your council person to take action on this matter. The Peace & Justice Comm has tabled the issue until its next meting in Jan. as no decision could be made at the Dec 1 meeting.

I believe the next meeting will be on Jan 5th. 2009.

A strange bunch, they are.

Nothing more humorous, than bunch of Dyke Commies with nothing to do. 🙄

Obama’s friends, Remember that. 😮