Mr. "A Verb, A Noun and 9/11" Praises Obama

Well, now this is a switch from someone who was basically doing everything but calling Obama an Islamic Terrorist.

Via NewsMax:

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani says Barack Obama’s election will improve America’s image overseas, and will make the U.S. “an honest nation and not a hypocritical one.”

Giuliani, who sought the 2008 Republication presidential nomination and then supported Sen. John McCain in the general election, told Britain’s Sky News:

Even those who voted against him, like me, say ‘We’re very thankful this has happened. This is the consolation prize. In having lost in terms of the ideology we wanted, or the person we wanted — John McCain — the benefit that we got was an America that can say to the world we’ve overcome the worst thing in our history.’

“If you look at America — which I believe is a great nation, a beautiful nation, a nation of altruistic goals and very often great altruistic accomplishments — one of the terrible marks against us is slavery and racism, and I think that’s a great thing for America to have overcome.

“And I believe that will gain us a tremendous amount in the world community. We can now be an honest nation and not a hypocritical one.”

Giuliani, who is attending a conference in London, also:

Said Obama’s biggest victory was in defeating Sen. Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, rather than winning the general election over McCain.

  • Applauded Obama’s Cabinet selections, including Clinton’s appointment as secretary of state.
  • Admitted that he didn’t think any Republican could have beaten Obama in the election, because of the economic crisis.
  •  Would not reveal his thoughts about possibly trying to win Clinton’s Senate seat, or another run for the White House.

 Defended McCain’s running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. “I think that Sarah Palin got a bad rap by the media because she defies some of the political correctness that the American media wants to see in a candidate,” he said. “They certainly don’t want a really attractive conservative — attractive not only physically because she is a beautiful woman, but attractive in terms of her personality and her charisma. She is the worst nightmare of the liberal press.”

I find it absolutely amazing, that when Republicans are fighting for thier political lives, they say the strangest things. But when they’re defeated, they turn on a damned dime and proceed to stoke the egos of those who defeated them. 

Never seen anything like it, in my life. Rudy Giuliani is a disgrace to the Republican Party. I personally wish he could just go away.  For this is the SAME man, who put the New York Emergency Operations center, IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER itself! Against the wishes of the very man, who MANAGED THE DAMNED BUILDING!

Please, Rudi, Just go away, better yet, drop dead!