Hamilton Nolan – Liberal Asshole of the Week

I hate to be the resident Conservative Flag pole runner upper… But for Pete sakes man… The stuff is just flippin’ wrong.

Seen over a Gawker.com which was written by a  Hamilton Nolan, a suspected child molester: (of which I’ve made my appearence there..and for the record, the posting was up less than 4-6 hours… not 12)

Brief and sinister. Sure, Bush had Fox news yakker Tony Snow as his press secretary, but Tony Snow was an out-and-out smiling conservative asshole even before he got to the White House. All this time America trusted Jay Carney to give them the real unbiased news on the campaign, right there in the trusted pages of Time, an it turns out he was privately on Biden’s team the entire time! Will America ever trust the media again?

Oh, How quaint, insult a dead man. Now, if he were a Liberal and some Conservative had said something like this. It would be front page news. But because it is a Conservative, it is perfectly fine. 🙄

In case anyone has forgotten, Tony Snow died with cancer.  He left a loving wife and 3 kids; 2 sons and a daughter.

Here’s the idiots picture:

Hamilton Nolan - Liberal asshole of the week
Hamilton Nolan - Liberal asshole of the week

According to this, this hosebag piece of liberal shit worked for PR Week before going to gawker.

Here’s the asshole’s e-mail address, let this asshat know what you really think: hamilton@gawker.com

Ana Marie Cox sure did create a fucking monster, when she created that shit rag of a Blog.