Ann Coulter names Sarah Palin Conservative of the Year

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*snort* That”d be like naming me Neo-Con, Republican or Roman Catholic of the Year.


Bring a good looking twat to the Election and the Republicans wet their pants. If she looked like this Lady:

CNN's Crowley Candy
CNN's Crowley Candy

Nobody would care! But because she’s a MILF, everyone loves her.

When does politics, especially Conservative politics get back to the important issues, instead of what someone looks like?

It’s a question me and a many other Paleo-Cons wanna know.

I mean, Seriously, Conservative of the year, Ann? Seriously?

Hot Air, Political Machine, Hullabaloo, The Reaction, Balloon Juice, Liberal Values, RADAMISTO, PoliBlog, Salon and The Other McCain

(via Memeorandum)