The question is; What is Racist?

I cannot believe it, but it is here again. Another stink over the Rush Limbaugh inspired “Barack Magic Negro” parody song. Seems the washed up hippy, who wrote the song is having a fit over the fact that it was even made. He calls it “racist.”

Well, I have a problem with that. As someone who knows what racism really is, and not this “knee jerk” politically correct nonsense, created by the fascist, free speech hating far left.

I am showing this videos and the respective songs with Lyrics to show you something, the absurdity of this so called controversy.

First up, the “Magic” video”:


Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
‘Cause he’s not authentic like me.
Yeah, the guy from the L.A. paper
Said he makes guilty whites feel good
They’ll vote for him, and not for me
‘Cause he’s not from the hood.

See, real black men, like Snoop Dog,
Or me, or Farrakhan
Have talked the talk, and walked the walk.
Not come in late and won!

Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
‘Cause he’s black, but not authentically.
Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
‘Cause he’s black, but not authentically.

Some say Barack’s “articulate”
And bright and new and “clean.”
The media sure loves this guy,
A white interloper’s dream!
But, when you vote for president,
Watch out, and don’t be fooled!
Don’t vote the Magic Negro in –
‘Cause —

’Cause I won’t have nothing after all these years of sacrifice
And I won’t get justice. This is about justice. This isn’t about me, it’s about justice.
It’s about buffet. I don’t have no buffet and there won’t be any church contributions,
And there’ll be no cash in the collection plate.
There ain’t gonna be no cash money, no walkin’ around money, no phoning money.
Now, Barack going to come in here and ……..

…and now a real racist song and video:

Music By: Johnny Rebel


L.B.J. was a-flyin’ one morn’
Over south Louisiana…feeling forlorn
When he looks down below, and what does he see?
Two cajuns pullin’ a nigger on ski’s!

So he lands, and says, “Thanks for helping your black brother!”
And them two cajuns just looked at each other
And said, “He might be smart, but I’ll tell you something…”
“He don’t know a thing about alligator huntin’!”

Who likes a nigger?
o-wop-bop-bam-bam (CHORUS)
Who likes a nigger?
Who likes a nigger?
And the hatin’, everybody, is a-gettin’ much bigger

Rich man travelin’ down thru the South
Stopped in Mississippi to get a tooth pulled out
When he paid the doctor the charges due
He said “My nigger chauffer’s got a bad tooth, too”

“Well, I’ll pull it…”, said the doc, “but you’d better not holler!
Cause I’ll have to charge you $200.00
Cause here in Mississippi he can’t open his mouth
We’ll have to go thru his bottom, to get the thing out!”


There ain’t much difference ‘tween a nigger and a donkey
‘Bout as much between an ape and a monkey
Ones a little bigger, but you gotta agree
There’s not very much more that you can see.

But a mule earns his livin’ by the sweat of his neck
While a nigger sits down and draws a gov’t check
The nigger should be smarter, as a general rule
But in a spelling contest, I’d pick the mule!

Now obviously, the second song is quite racist. Do you see the point that I am trying to make here? The first song is a light-hearted attempt at Humor and nothing more. Anyone who tries to paint it as anything other than this, is basically being a race baiter and someone who’s business is identity politics.

Update: Michelle Malkin makes a very good point: (H/T Macsmind)

All of sudden — after eight years of “F**k Bush” bumper stickers and “Kill Bush” assassination chic and Bush-or-Chimp parodies — the left is concerned about insulting the office of the Presidency?

Now, they are concerned with protecting the dignity of the office and with forging “commong ground and mutual respect?

Not to mention, when someone like me, tries to makes a point of all the race baiting and identity politics and the hypocrisy, when it comes to racism and intolerance on the left, I get death threats.  So, I ask again, what is racism? Whatever happened to free speech? Who are the real haters? The answer, I think, is quite obvious. 🙄

Others: Hot Air, Political Punch, Riehl World View, The Strata-Sphere, Jezebel, JammieWearingFool, Michelle Malkin, Blogs and Stories, BrothersJudd Blog, Commentary, The Hill, Wake up America and Real Clear Politics