Examples of what will get you banned from commenting on this Blog

It appears that some trolls have discovered my Blog, once again.

Well, this time, I am not enabling moderation. Instead, I am just going to fucking ban people from commenting here, who break the rules.

Here’s the examples of what will get you banned here:

Author : t4toby (IP: , ip68-103-201-85.ks.ok.cox.net)
E-mail : tbhayse@hotmail.com
URL    : http://t4toby.wordpress.com
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
<blockquote>Oh well, it doesn’t matter anyways, because in six months to a year, Obama will burn the constitution, take our guns, enact black Nationalism as the state religion</blockquote>

That is a whole lot of paranoid delusion wrapped up in one sentence.

I think you may need to get your meds adjusted.  I think you’re having some kind of reaction.

You can see all comments on this post here:

He is, of course, referring to this posting here. Which was, a bit of snark and my political opinion.

Well, seeing it was more of a stupid troll comment, I deleted it. Besides, this is my Blog, I do not have to allow myself to be insulted by some anonymous assplow.

So, he comes back and leaves this:

Author : t4toby (IP: , ip68-103-201-85.ks.ok.cox.net)
E-mail : tbhayse@hotmail.com
URL    : http://t4toby.wordpress.com
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
You are a sensitive little twit, aren’t you, Patricia?

Censorship is closer to the Soviets and the Nazis that Obama.

If you are so firm in your beliefs, what are you afraid of?

No asshole. I have fucking rules here, you might want to go read them.  Not that it will matter, I’ve added your IP address to the list of those not allowed to comment here.

Stupid fucking Liberal Moonbat Communist Assplows. 🙄

It’s going to be a long four to eight years.