President Obama tells G.O.P "I Won"

Seems our new President is a bit cocky…. 

President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning – but he also left no doubt about whos in charge of these negotiations. “I won,” Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation.

The exchange arose as top House and Senate Republicans expressed concern to the president about the amount of spending in the package. They also raised red flags about a refundable tax credit that returns money to those who don’t pay income taxes, the sources said.

The Republicans stressed that they want to include more middle class tax cuts in the package, citing their proposal to cut the two lowest tax rates — 15 percent and 10 percent — to ten percent and five percent, rather than issue the refundable credit Obama wants.

At another point in the meeting, sources said Obama told the group: “This is a grave situation facing the country.” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Obama would hold another economic meeting in the White House Saturday for a “broader group.”

via Obama to GOP: I won – Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee –

Enjoy it while you can there, Barry, because in six months, you’ll be the next Asshole in the White House. Especially if the Economy does not recover. Which it will not. So, Enjoy it while you can. 

For the record. Obama did not “Win”, the economy collapsed, and basically, Barry bought his Presidency, especially from all those off-shore donations.

Others: ,Hot AirNew York TimesJules CrittendenAssociated PressThe Swamp, , Washington MonthlyThe CaucusThe Moderate Voice,  Political Machine and (via Memeornadum)