Why we can never withdraw from Afghanistan, until the job is done

(Please note, when it originally wrote this post, I was very angry. After some thought and reflection; I felt it best to edit this posting and basically rewrite from a non-emotional stance. My apologies to those who read the original and were offended.)

It seems that the Liberals, seeing that Iraq is a non-issue and the rest of the United States and the World, and the media is focused on the Economy. The Liberals are attempting to garner support for a withdrawal and retreat from Afghanistan. Yes, Afghanistan.

via  “The Nation”:

I want to let people know about a valuable coalition I’m working with. It’s focused on encouraging the Obama administration to rethink its plans to escalate militarily in Afghanistan. As I explain in Spencer Ackerman’s good piece today, I want this administration to succeed but I believe it risks endangering its promise and draining resources that are vital to economic recovery at home and abroad if it follows this course For more on what I believe is a smarter course– strategically, morally and politically–for what Obama and his team could do to get Afghanistan right (the name of the website this coalition just launched) check out my recent editor’s cut.

Here’s the The site promoting this absurd idea. What the Liberals want is for Obama to pursue a non-violent way of getting Osama Bin Laden.

You know, I must wonder aloud.

What would all 2,998 of the people killed in the attacks would think? What would the 6,291+ people, who were injured think about this?

I do not like using images from the 9/11 attacks for political purposes, because I feel that it is disrespectful to the dead. But I think in the case, the people that died on September 11, 2001 deserve to be defended here.

I know it has been a long time, but has America forgotten?

Has it been that long now? Have the images been forgotten?

Have the memories faded that fast? Of the suffering the pain, the shock and grief, has it become a faint memory in the pages of humanity?

Have the September 11’th attacks become so linked to Iraq that we have forgotten what happened on 9/11 and where the attackers came from?

Has it all just slipped away?

Have the names of those who died just become names? …and not people?

People around the world mourned with us

(German School Memorial)

(Texas A & M)

( U.S. Embassy – London, England)

(Prague, Czech Republic)

(The American Embassy in Berne, Switzerland)

I could go on. But I think that you get it. Because of the shift in the political climate, we’ve forgotten what happened on that horrific day 8 years ago. We’ve allowed politics and the mistake in Iraq; take our eye off the ball and that is avenging the deaths of September 11’th 2001.

I only wish that the liberals understood this.

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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