Is President Obama trying to play the far right?

It is to wonder….

As special envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell heads off to the region to begin work on negotiating a cease fire between Israel and the Palestinians, President Obama has sat for his first formal TV interview with the Arabic cable TV network Al-Arabiya, ABC News has learned.

The interview was taped this evening and is set to air at 11 pm ET, as Mitchell is in the air and on his way to the region.

Based in Dubai, Al-Arabiya estimates that it has a potential audience exceeding 23 million in the Gulf region.

via Political Punch: President Obama Does First Formal TV Interview as President with Al-Arabiya.

I have a theory about this and looking around at the Blogosphere, I can see that my theory might be correct.

I will simply say this, I have a theory that President Obama might be just trying to play the far right and the main stream conservative media for a fiddle. Because if you click the links that I just pointed to, you will see where the far right is basically flipping their collective cork over Obama going to Al-Arabiya for his first interview.

The reason why I say this is because it seems like just about every other day, President Obama says or does something that causes the far “rabid” right, as they are so called by the Liberal left; to basically go totally insane. Which makes the far right do a collective group jump up and down session, while frothing at the mouth and screaming, “He’s a terrorist! He is an Al-Qaeda Plant! He is going to destroy us all!” For perfect examples of this, click here and here. (The second link being more rabid than the first, if I do say so myself.)

To be clear, I do believe that Conservatives should be the loyal opposition and likewise criticize him for anything he does that goes against what true Conservative principles. But have a collective conniption fit over something as benign as this does nothing to further the cause of Conservatism.

Others: The Moderate Voice, Eunomia, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, AmSpecBlog and Riehl World View

(via Memeorandum)